Produced by Madhur Bhandarkar’s Bhandarkar Entertainment and Kumar Mangat Pathak’s Wide Frame Pictures, DTBHJ is a romantic comedy starring Ajay Devgn, Emraan Hashmi, ‘3 Idiots’ famed Omi Vaidya in the male leads and Shruti Hassan, Shazahn Padamsee and Shraddha Das in the female leads. It is for the first time that realistic and hard hitting and National Award winning Filmmaker Madhur, who is known for making out of league films, is directing a Romantic Comedy on the slice of life. The music in the film is by Pritam.
The Story
With DTBHJ Madhur Bhandarkar, for the first time explores the genre of romantic comedy within realistic parameters. It is a slice of life film about three men and their encounters with love. A listless Naren Ahuja (Ajay Devgn), well into his thirties and going through a divorce, falls in love with a vibrant and bubbly June Pinto (Shazahn Padamsee) who has just stepped out of her teens. Milind Kelkar (Omi Vaidya), a naive poet and an idealistic lover, is besotted by an ambitious and practical Gungun Sarkar (Shraddha Das) who is determined to follow her dreams and a charming Casanova Abhay (Emraan Hashmi), starts feeling an alien emotion called love, when he feels increasingly drawn towards Nikki (Shruti Hassan), a modern girl who knows her wants and speaks her mind.
Struggling to cope with modern women and contemporary relationships, these three men go through a fun filled roller coaster ride of emotions with its constant highs and lows that usually accompany love. But will they succeed in their quest for happiness or love? Or does destiny have different plans for them? With its real characters and relatable situations, DTBHJ, takes a humorous look at love and the extent people will go to escape or attain it.
Thus 'Dil Toh Baccha hai Ji', with its real characters and relatable situations, takes a funny look at love and the extent people will go to avoid it or achieve it! It’s a film that promises to bring a smile to your face!
The Arrival
'Dil Toh Baccha hai Ji' is waiting to unfold on screens on 28th January 2011.
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